Kill the wintertime blues
December 13th, 2017

Winter is no longer’s blooming well here! And unless I can wake up to Jon Snow under the duvet, there’s a good chance of getting a touch of the winter blues.
I mean honestly, chapped lips, red noses, itchy knitwear and a lack of tan to rival Kristen Stewart...what hope is there? Winter time is only good for Christmas...once that’s over and done with its more of anti climax than Jurassic Park II.
So if you’re slipping down the inevitable ice slope of doom, finding yourself less singing Elsa and more, manic depressive lock yourself in an ice palace Elsa, then these tips might just help you starve off the winter blues.
I mean honestly, chapped lips, red noses, itchy knitwear and a lack of tan to rival Kristen Stewart...what hope is there? Winter time is only good for Christmas...once that’s over and done with its more of anti climax than Jurassic Park II.
So if you’re slipping down the inevitable ice slope of doom, finding yourself less singing Elsa and more, manic depressive lock yourself in an ice palace Elsa, then these tips might just help you starve off the winter blues.
Get active
I know, mid-selection-box-marathon is probably the worst time to be thinking of taking up exercise, but honestly, get yourself moving and those endorphins will soon be kicking in to beat the blues away.

Get warm
Being cold can literally trigger depression, so keeping warm in the winter really is important (and not just something your nan used to say!) Grab yourself a cuppa, a nice hearty stew for dinner and then snuggle up with blankets and a hot water bottle-get your Hygee on!

Get lighter
No, I don’t mean your weight (although we’ll get to that in a minute) but actually using the right lighting can combat SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). You can invest in a light box or dawn simulator (I have an alarm clock that lightens my room gradually to simulate sunrise) or at the very least, maximise the time you spend outdoors in actual daylight. Yes, brightening up can literally brighten your mood!

Get healthier
Yep, you knew it was coming. Eating healthy is scientifically proven to help starve off those winter blues. Why not check out our hearty meal ideas here Click Here to Buy

So there you have it. Four tips for a happier you this winter. What would you add to the list?

Hayley x