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REALLY cool gifts for young kids

April 4th, 2018
REALLY cool gifts for young kids
Sometimes its a little bit difficult to find really cool gifts for younger kids, I mean who wants to constantly get paw patrol or peppa pig toys over and over again. We have scoured the net for some of the coolest kids gifts around and we think you will really like some of these.
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This kids 'Ask me about my T-Rex' shirt is really really cute and we found it for just £8.82 here >> Click Here to Buy I bet the kids will have so much fun wearing this, maybe they will then realise when people keep repeating themselves it becomes and little boring haha.
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This one is truely AWESOME, I got my son one for Christmas and he absolutely loves it so much, at least now they can do what dad stands and does in the shower for just £3.99. We found it HERE >> Click Here to Buy
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Does your kids love taking pictures of EVERYTHING? Mine does and we found these cool instax cameras that print out little mini photographs for them, its really cool and comes in some lovely colours for summer. They are £65 HERE >> Click Here to Buy
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Imagine doing your kids hand prints and then shrinking them down to a tiny keyring so you have them with you forever!! NOW THAT SOUNDS COOL...... this kit allows you to do just that, your kids draw on a sheet and you just pop it in the oven and it shrinks down to 7 times its size! Find it HERE >> Click Here to Buy
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Hahahaha can you imagine a new mums face getting this as a new baby gift!! DONT WORRY ITS NOT REAL, but it is super duper funny! Its just £7 here >> Click Here to Buy
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As if you can buy a child's potty that looks and acts like a REAL toilet, and this one is really REAL, we found it at Argos and we think it is fabulous, it would have really taught my little ones to use the potty much faster than they did, which is a great thing. Its £34.99 HERE Click Here to Buy
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Kids went mad for fingerlings at Christmas because they were super cute, little Monkeys and Unicorns with pretty glitter all over them..... but what about the boys I heard mums ask...... Fingerlings just launched untamed Dinosaurs into the mix and they are so COOL and just £17.99 here Click Here to Buy

Angey x

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