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Have fun asking your kids questions!

August 30th, 2021
Have fun asking your kids questions!
Young children ask on average more than 300 questions a day and one of their most favourite words is definitely ‘why’! Sometimes answering this barrage of questions can be tricky but it is important not to fob your child off with a one word answer because it is good to fuel their curiosity and imagination and by providing them with a good answer you are helping them to build on their vocabulary and to mimic the words you use and the pattern they make.

It is fun to ‘turn the tables’ and ask your children plenty of questions each day as this helps them to understand how to ask questions. By asking questions too, you are strengthening the bond you have with your children as they will feel confident and happy that you are asking them about their day and how they feel – but what are good questions to ask to get the conversation going?

We bring you 25 of the top questions to ask your toddler or preschooler:

1. What is the best time in the day?

2. If you could eat the same meal, every day, forever, what which would you choose?

3. What is your favourite thing about yourself?

4. What do you think you are really good at?

5. Do you have anything that is worrying you today?

6. If your favourite toy could talk, what would it tell us?

7. When I give you a big hug, how does it make you feel?

8. What is your favourite colour and why?

9. When you fall asleep tonight, do you think you will dream?

10. What is your favourite sound and why do you like it?

11. If we had to stay outside in the garden all day, with no toys what do you think we should do?

12. What made you smile today?

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13. Who is your favourite storybook character and what makes you like them?

14. If you were to draw what you are thinking about right this minute, what would you draw?

15. Do you like sharing your toys or do you prefer when you can play on your own?

16. What makes you really happy?

17. If we all had to have different names what names would you give everyone in our family?

18. If we could have a pet dragon, what type would you choose?

19. What do you think is a good name for a dragon?

20. Is there anything that is worrying you today?

21. Do you think it is best to live in the city/town or in the country?

22. What job would you not like to do when you are grown up?

23. What is your most favourite smell?

24. What is the most dreadful smell?

25. If we suddenly have 10 minutes like we do now – what would you like to do most?

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Hopefully these questions will be the inspiration for many more to ask your child! After all, their answers will sometimes surprise and amuse you! By asking your child questions, you will gain a good insight into their character and thoughts. If you share questions together, your child will know that they can ask you any questions at any time, which is important if they have something troubling them.

If you have a baby record of your child’s development, their funniest answers to your questions can be jotted down as they will still make you laugh, many years later!

Chrissie x

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