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Have Fun This New Year’s While Including The Kids

December 17th, 2017
Have Fun This New Year’s While Including The Kids
Just because you have kids doesn’t mean to say you can’t have fun this New Year like everyone else! New Year is a time to create memories and it’s never hurt anyone I know to get the kids involved in all the New Year festivities. Whether that’s getting a photo booth in your house or just buying some extra juices to make some mocktails, there is sure to be lots of fun wherever you go this New Year!

Make fun mocktails

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Buy different juices and get making some delicious mocktails for the kids to enjoy whilst all the adults have some of the other stuff! It might even be more fun if they make and choose the juices themselves and mix it with a proper cocktail shaker. Buy some funky glasses and straws then you’re ready to go! It’s so much fun for all the kids and they won’t be hyped up on sweets if they’re drinking treats instead of eating them.

Play Board games

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This might be a good idea to do before all the alcohol starts to flow as it isn’t as fun if everyone is super drunk and competitive (for the kids anyway!). Take New Year's Eve day and play a few games of Monopoly and maybe get the Twister out when the music starts to play later on in the night. The kids love getting involved in the fun and they love board games too so something like this is ideal.

Have a photobooth

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It’s expensive to hire one but buying some props and taking a few selfies isn’t expensive at all and can be a lot of fun, especially for the kids who are celebrating! Go somewhere and buy some cheap photo booth props, maybe put up a sheet or towel in one of your rooms (if you’re having a New Year’s Eve party in your house) and let the selfies take themselves. It’s always a laugh!

Visit a Firework Display

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Despite what people think, going to a firework display on New Year is super lovely and is a great thing to do with the kid’s if they’re bored. You don’t have to wait until midnight either, a lot of the displays are on early which means the kids can have fun then go to bed whilst you and your partner celebrate the new year together. Or you can keep them up and let them have a go of a few sparklers in the garden. I love sparklers!

Let them be the dj

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Are you having a family party? Let the kids be the DJ’s, it’s something that is bound to keep them entertained and you’d be surprised at how good they are at getting some good tunes on. It’s hard to make a playlist for the whole night but giving the kids a few pounds and letting them go wild on Spotify will definitely pay off. Bear in mind that Frozen or Gangnam style could come on at any time though, that’s a disaster in itself. OK so maybe forget that idea, the playlist will have a more reliable music taste.

Do you have any traditions that involve the kids over New Year? Let us know and share your stories in the comments below!

Olivia x

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