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Parenting Hacks to Tame Your Teething Toddler

November 9th, 2017
Parenting Hacks to Tame Your Teething Toddler
As if we don’t have enough to be getting on with as parents, with feeding, nappies, sleeplessness and exhaustion. Just when you think you’ve got things sorted however, your little one starts teething and Rangarok looks like a picnic with the Teletubbies.
Don’t despair, however. We’ve collated some of your top parent hacks for soothing teething tots. Try some of them, try all of them! Let us know what works best for you in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

Milk pops

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Depending on how early your little one starts to teeth, it can be really difficult to know what’s best to soothe them. Fortunately you can’t go wrong with frozen milk pops because they’re made from your babies regular breast milk. For more information on how to go about making your own frozen milk pacifiers, check out this website Click Here to Buy

Amber teething necKlaces

I can’t speak from experience here as I didn’t know about these with my first born, but I’ve since heard rave reviews about amber teething necklaces. As my little one has just hit the seven month mark this is definitely something I’ll be considering soon as, well, it means a new piece of jewelry for me and soothed gums for him. Win, win right?

Frozen flannel

My youngest son loves to grab hold of his flannel in the bath and have a good chew on it. That’s why this hack really appeals to me, as it seems an extension of his natural tendencies. You simply place a wet flannel in the freezer and then once it’s frozen, let your little one gnaw away to their hearts content. So simple that even a sleep deprived mum like myself could do It!

Gum massage

Whether your little ones teeth have started to show yet or not, it may well be worth investing in a baby toothbrush. These ‘first’ toothbrushes are made to be chewable and ideal for giving your baby’s gums a little massage. The bonus of using one is that baby’s gums can pick up dirt and abrasions from the multitude of stuff they chew that you didn’t intend, so this is a perfect solution to clean and protect sore gums!
Check out the one pictured below which is available via JoJo Maman Bebe.
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Frozen fruit

Sore gums like nothing better than something cold to gnaw on and soothe the pain. These net feeders are ideal for safely offering your baby something cold to chew on. I had them with my first born as a way of introducing first solids, but they’re brilliant for teething. Plus, bonus tip...I’ve recently spotted these in the Pound Shop for sale, which is great as after several uses they are impossible to clean!
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Chilled spoons

I stumbled across this hack recently and it’s pure genius. If teething takes its hold when you’re unprepared, grab yourself a baby spoon and pop it in the fridge for twenty minutes. Then let your baby chew away on the rounded end. Perfect for when you don’t have teething rings to hand!

Cold fruit puree

Sometimes all the chewing in the world doesn’t seem to help, so why not try soothing gums with a slick of nice cool apple purée? This will reall feel nice and soothing on baby’s gums and you can rub it around their gums with your finger (which incidentally is always a favourite for chewing on!)
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What are some of your favorite ways to handle a teething little one?!

Hayley x

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