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Cooking On A Budget: Buying Bulk to Save Big

October 5th, 2017
Cooking On A Budget: Buying Bulk to Save Big
Food shopping is one of those inevitable expenses you can't cut from your budget whilst trying to save. You can however, trim the fat considerably by buying a few items in bulk to make big savings. Check out out top three items to consider buying big to save big.


Ah, the joys of trying out a new recipe...until you realise you don't have the right spice in your collection. Then you have to reluctantly spend a fortune on yet another spice jar that two sprinkles later seems to be empty.
So instead, why not buy your spices in bulk? If you take a look down the World good aisle or in local ethnic stores you can often buy large bags or jars of spice that will fill up your regular spice jar ten times over.
Spices can easily be decanted into smaller containers for convenience of use. If you have certain spices you get through quickly it's well worth considering bulk buying to make significant savings on your shopping!
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Fruit and Veg

Definitely not something I would usually consider to be suitable for bulk buying because of the short shelf life of fresh produce. However certain fruits and vegetables are well worth stocking up on when they are reduced.
Strawberries for instance can be very expensive at certain times of the year. However if you are just planning to use them for smoothies then you can buy them when they are on special offer and then freeze them. Apparently they can even be frozen and then blended with the stalks on, meaning convenient as well as cost efficient!
Another great idea is onions and peppers. Buy these on sale and chop them up and freeze. Perfect for adding to cooked meals such as bolognaise and stews.
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Again another seasonal produce that at times can be atronomically expensive. When you see something on sale or special offer it's well worth stocking up on meat and taking it home to freeze.
Make sure you have plenty of room in your freezer if you are planning to bulk buy meat though as it has to be frozen on day of purchase. Check out some great advice on how to store here Click Here to Buy
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What items do you bulk buy in order to save money? Share your ideas below.

Hayley x

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