Is Your Baby's Development on Track?

Being aware of the various stages and encouraging progress with various developmental games, interactions, toys, and activities will help your little man or lady grow into the mini superhero they can be.
So what should you be looking out for? Here is a list from of the first milestones your little one should reach to make sure they are developing at a healthy rate in the first year of their life:
2 Months ~ Smiles at the sound of your voice and follows you with their eyes as you move around a room
3 Months ~ Raises head and chest when lying on stomach ~ Grasps objects ~ Smiles at other people
4 Months ~ Babbles, laughs, and tries to imitate sounds ~ Holds head steady
6 Months ~ Rolls from back to stomach and stomach to back ~ Moves objects from hand to hand
7 Months ~ Responds to own name ~ Finds partially hidden objects
9 Months ~ Sits without support, crawls, babbles "mama" and "dada"
12 Months ~ Walks with or without support ~ Says at least one word ~ Enjoys imitating people
18 Months ~ Walks independently, drinks from a cup, says at least 15 words, points to body parts

Place infants on their tummies while awake to develop neck and back muscles
Put your little one on the floor to explore in a safe home environment
Let your baby touch and play with different textured toys
Play music for newborns to stimulate hearing
Talk to your child
Read to your child
Laugh and smile with your baby
Social interaction is vital. Switching off the television and engaging with your children daily not only enhances their physical, mental and emotional development but also strengthens your bond with them. You can’t rewind the clock, so invest in this special bonding play-time while they’re young.Source: Click Here to Buy
Helga x