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Top 10 bucket list items for Mums! Is yours on?

June 27th, 2017
Top 10 bucket list items for Mums! Is yours on?
If you are a parent, you've probably got a list (even if it's not written down) of things that you want to do with your children. That list usually runs a mile long and you probably do not get anywhere close to accomplishing it. We, as parents, want our children to experience so many life opportunities that it is near impossible to fit them all in.

It's always interesting to hear what other parents' lists are and after a little research here are the top items on mums' bucket lists.

1. Beach Days

Nothing sounds more exciting and relaxing than a day at the beach with your little ones. Once you look past the never-ending sand that seems to come home with you, the constant running into the ocean while you chase after them and the sunscreen running into their eyes, it really is a beautiful day. It's a day where you get to focus solely on you and them and not get distracted by things to do around the house.

2. Zoo

Trips to the zoo are so much fun. Most children are enthralled with animals. There are usually a ton of children's activities there and it takes very little planning. A great day out, indeed.

3. Disney World

Every parent dreams of the opportunity to take their child to the magical world of Disney. It does cost a pretty penny, but these are memories that your children (and you) will hold forever! Simply seeing their faces light up as they see Cinderella's castle from afar is worth it and when they meet the characters, they almost combust with excitement!

4. Professional Pictures

Another thing on the bucket list is pictures. Nowadays, most people take shots from their iPhones, but having some professional portraits taken to hang on the wall will solidify special times. They do not stay little forever, so it is important to capture their youth along the way.

5. Gardening

Some of the most memorable times with kids are when there is nothing around but you, them and nature. Hop into the garden with them. This is especially useful for kids that do not talk a lot. Get them in a peaceful environment and start talking to them, they will soon open up and not even realise it. Plus, they will get some understanding about how flowers, plants and vegetables grow.

6. Family Vacations

Simply taking the kids on holiday for a getaway can be just what everyone needs. Spend some time with the kids traveling, exploring new places and making some great memories.

7. Picnics

This is another activity that involves minimal planning and is a lot of fun. Pack a picnic basket with some yummy snacks and head to your local park for a day of munching and playing in the playground.

8. Dinner Out

No one likes that one kid who is screaming in a restaurant. So, do not be that parent! Teach your children when they are young how to behave properly in a restaurant. The rest of the world will thank you! Plus, you will get some extra bonding time with the kids and quality time away from distractions.

9. Camping

Most campsites are away from cell service. That means, you likely have an entire weekend unplugged from the outside world and spend quality time with your family. While this may be something to get used to, once you step away from the digital age, you will appreciate how quiet life can be and how peaceful children can be with just the minimum. Top tip - don't forget the marshmallows!

10. Ice Cream

Taking a trip to the ice cream stand can feel like the treat of a lifetime to a small child. Better yet, if you have an ice cream man that drives around your neighborhood, treat the kids to a tasty dessert. This idea may cost a little bit of money, but the seeing excitement in your child's eye is so worth it.

Hopefully, this gives you some insight into some bucket list items for any mum. What is on your bucket list to do with your children?

Natalie x

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