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New Baby? 10 Tips for Mums-To-Be

June 22nd, 2017
New Baby? 10 Tips for Mums-To-Be
It's Superhuman. Life changing but entirely natural!
Welcome to the Mummy Club!
Here are some tips to make things go as smooth as a baby's bottom.

Take Care

In the midst of motherhood, it's easy to forget self-care. You've heard it already: eat nutritiously & drink lots of water.

Rest. Snooze. Sleep.

Snooze when your baby naps, at least once a day.

Mum Basket

Fill a mid-sized basket with snacks, a water bottle, notebook, reading material, pens and thank you notes. Put it in a spot close to where you feed your baby.

Accept Help

Accept help offers from friends or family (even if your home is messy.) An extra pair of hands is useful- if only to take a shower or get an extra hour of rest.

Scale Down

If you count up the daily minutes you feed your infant, it amounts to a part-time job. Lighten your schedule, especially during the first few months.

Pack Heavy

Always pack more than you need. A well-stocked nappy bag makes outings easier.

Meal Magic

Your slow cooker can be your new best friend. Dump food in the pot, switch it on low and dinner will magically be ready in 6-8 hours.

Ten Minute Tasks

There's a lot you can do in ten minutes. If you have the time, take it. Chop some vegetables or clean a bathroom. Take ten before bed to fold clothes or tidy up the kitchen.

Get Expert Advice

Talk to an older, experienced mother or grandmother who has been through the trials of toilet training and teenagers. Most seasoned mums love to share their wisdom.

Love Those Littles

Enjoy those babes in all their fussy glory. Read and sing to them. Snuggle with them. Blink your eyes and they will be all grown up!

We would love to hear your top new mummy tips so don't be shy - share them with our readers!

Lisa x

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