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TOP 10 Stocking Fillers for new babies

December 1st, 2019
TOP 10 Stocking Fillers for new babies
Top 10 stocking fillers for new babies.

This Christmas is going to be a very special one as you will be celebrating it with your new baby. The memories you will treasure for ever, so make sure you take plenty of photographs! As your baby is so young, a stocking filled with small gifts is perfect as they will be just the right size for your little one. They can be modestly priced too - which is a bonus to enjoy because your wallet will definitely get dented as your baby grows! Having teenagers in the house is when you need to be on good terms with your bank manager!

As Christmas approaches, it is well worth thinking about what new festive customs and traditions you would like to introduce for your family to enjoy every year. Most young children love helping to cook, so a lovely tradition to introduce when they are about three years old, is for them to help you make the mince pies. Children also love preparing a drink and mince pie to leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve and will always be quick to remind you that they need a carrot for Rudolph too!

For baby's first Christmas here are some lovely ideas for stocking fillers....
1. A Christmas stocking to treasure.
The top of your shopping list will be a special stocking for your new baby. There are so many different designs to choose from, but it is well worth buying one that is good quality so that it will last many years. Children love seeing their stocking being unpacked from the Christmas box each year and it certainly adds to all the seasonal magic and excitement!
We spotted a GORGEOUS hand knitted one at Etsy Click Here to Buy

2. A cheerful Christmas bib
This is definitely the essential present for your new baby and there is a great selection available in the shops – many of them are really cute with the words 'Baby's first Christmas' decorating them. Love this 'First Dinner" one at Etsy Click Here to Buy

3. A beautiful Christmas tree decoration.
One of the special festive traditions that many new parents introduce is to buy their baby each year is a new Christmas tree decoration for them to hang on the tree. There are so many beautiful ones to choose from. It can be fun to choose a theme such as 'teddy bears' 'fairies' or 'Arctic animals' and of course the first tree decoration you buy, can be a glistening bauble with the words 'Baby's first Christmas'. We love this one Click Here to Buy
4. A pot of bubbles.
Children of all ages love blowing bubbles and what better stocking filler than a pot of bubbles. True, you will have to keep it safe for a few months until your baby is about six months and able to sit independently, then you will be able to enjoy blowing the bubbles and watching your baby's different facial expressions!

5. A warm pair of socks.
The ideal Christmas present for all ages is a cosy pair of socks and this is perfect for your
baby too. Choose the socks carefully to ensure they are nice and warm. You can choose a fun pair of festive socks if you like, but the important thing is not to spend a fortune on them because you will be amazed at how speedily your baby will start outgrowing their clothes!

6. A lovely warm hat.
It is great to get out and about on a crisp winter's day, but you must ensure that your baby is well protected from the cold. A really warm hat is essential as more than 25% of body heat can be lost through a baby's head and this figure is even higher in newborn babies. Choose a style of baby hat that fits well and preferably one that covers the ears too.
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7. Choose a Christmas teddy bear.
Once a baby's eyes have started to focus properly (about eight weeks), they love looking at toys - especially their faces. A small teddy bear is a very special present for your baby's first Christmas and one that will be treasured for a long time. With safety in mind, check that the teddy you have chosen is suitable for very young children. These memory ones are lovely Click Here to Buy

8. Some bubbles for the bath.
Make bath time extra fun with some lovely bubbles! These can be popped in your bathroom cupboard ready for when your baby can sit up in the bath and enjoy playing with the bubbles.

9. A colourful set of stacking cups.
These are a very traditional toy to give a young baby, but they are as popular as ever because they are so versatile. In no time at all, your baby will be able to hold them, taste them and bang them together and when they are older, they will be able to build a tower with them or use them for pouring water in the bath or sand at the seaside.
10. A lovely money box.
What a great way to start of a lifetime of saving – especially if visiting relatives and friends have some loose change! Whilst piggy banks are the traditional type of money box and are available in every colour, design and size imaginable, there are hundreds of other designs to choose from too. These include some lovely designs made in porcelain featuring the much-loved Beatrix Potter characters and Thomas the Tank Engine. To bring your baby extra luck, don't forget to pop a coin or two in the money box, or for fun, why not pop all the current coins in circulation coin the box? Even better are ones that have been minted this year....

Piggy ones are still our favourite, like this one Click Here to Buy

Merry Christmas!

Chrissie x

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